• Altar Ministry, Ushers, and/or Greeters
    • Pray with people at the altar that answer the call to salvation
    • Greet people as they enter Festival area, work registration table, usher
    • Arrive at 6:15 nightly and stay until 15 minutes after the closing of the service
  • Audio & Video
    • Assist audio and video directors in setting up, running equipment, and tear down
    • Arrive at 10:oo am Thursday October 15th and work till around 5:00 pm
  • Set up and Tear Down
    • Help with set up and tear down of frame tents, platform, canopy, chairs, tables, audio/video, power, lighting, etc.
    • Arrive at 9:00 am Thursday October 14th and work all day.  Possibly work Friday morning with remaining set up.  Work Saturday night after service and Sunday morning doing teardown
  • Soulwinning and Flyer Distribution
    • Work with our teams as they hit targeted areas with flyers and soulwinning ministry
    • Schedule whatever days work best for you over the next several weeks leading up to the Crusade.

  • Altar Ministry, Ushers, and/or Greeters
    • Pray with people at the altar that answer the call to salvation
    • Greet people as they enter Festival area, work registration table, usher
    • Arrive at 6:15 nightly and stay until 15 minutes after the closing of the service
  • Audio & Video
    • Assist audio and video directors in setting up, running equipment, and tear down
    • Arrive at 10:oo am Thursday October 15th and work till around 5:00 pm
  • Set up and Tear Down
    • Help with set up and tear down of frame tents, platform, canopy, chairs, tables, audio/video, power, lighting, etc.
    • Arrive at 9:00 am Thursday October 14th and work all day.  Possibly work Friday morning with remaining set up.  Work Saturday night after service and Sunday morning doing teardown
  • Soulwinning and Flyer Distribution
    • Work with our teams as they hit targeted areas with flyers and soulwinning ministry
    • Schedule whatever days work best for you over the next several weeks leading up to the Crusade.